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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2017

Fraction and proportionality examples

In this post we’re going to do some examples of exercises with fractions: Example 1 : If we have a cake divided in four parts and one of the parts was eaten we want to know: What fraction of the cake we would eat if we eat the half of one piece? How much of the cake lefts? First we must know how much cake we have: We have 3 pieces of cake left from the entire sweet, that was divided in four pieces. That means ¾ of the cake. Now we take one half of one piece. One piece is ¼ , that is the same that: So there are 2 pieces of cake with a size of 1/8 in one piece of cake ( 1/4 ). The answer to the first question is that we would eat a fraction of a value of 1/8 . Now the second question, how much of the cake lefts? We have eaten 1/8 of a quarter, and we had 3/4 of the cake, so we must differentiate them: To solve this we can use the least common multiple: So the least common multiple is 8. Now we multiply by 2 the nume...

Basis of the fractional calculus

First of all, we need to talk about the fractions. A fraction is a division between one number who’s going to be divided (dividend) that we call here numerator, and the number who divides (divider) that we call here denominator: Then, how to do a sum between fractions? You must have the same denominator if you want to sum the numerators. For this purpose we must know how to do the least common multiple.  The least common multiple is calculated when we have various denominators. We must calculate the prime numbers that obtain a number when you multiply them. A prime number is a number that can only be divided exatly by 1 and himself. For example 7 only can be divided by 1 and 7 so is a prime number. On the other hand 14 can be divided by 1,2,7 and 14 so it's not a prime number For example the numbers 70, 24,30: 70 is even so it´s divisible between 2 and we obtain 35. 35 ends in 5 so it’s divisible between 5 and we obtain 7 that it’s a prime number so that’s ...


A polinomial is a combination of variables. The variables must accomplish the equality to be called equation. When we are in 2D we only need one equation to obtain a curve.  An example of curve given by a polynomial would be: Typically the variable “x” is called independent variable, and the “y” is called dependent variable because we give arbitrary values to the "x" and obtain values for "y". The variable “y” is written “y(x)” or f(x). The operations sums and differences with polynomials must be made with variables raised to the same index. You can sum up the constants coefficients of that variables. For example: The degree of the polynomial would be the maximum value between the indexs. The degree shows you the amount of zeros of the problem. A zero appears when y=0, this happens when the curve cross the “x” axis. So in the previous graphic example we can find three zeros, one between -8 and -6, other between -2 and 0 an...

Roots & logarithms properties

First I'll introduce the roots. In this post root includes roots and potency. A potency is an operation where you obtain a number that results of multiplying the base by himself a number of times equal to the index value. In this example 5 is the base and 3 is the index:  The root is the oposite operation of the potency. We can express a root like: This type of calculus has its own properties: I'll use "*" instead of "x" or "." to avoid misunderstandings. N and M are coefficients that can be fractions or integer numbers. Now I'm going to make an example: Now the logarithm properties. First of all there is no solution in logarithms for negative numbers, That is it, so you don't need to calculate: The logarithm is the inverse operation of the potency and you can calculate its solution by solving the next equation: The solution of the logarithm is "b", that is the number to which we have to raise ...


This blog is a blog of mathematics. You can probably find out some answer to your questions about mathematics here, I'll post a topic when it's possible,  Showing that Maths The travel across the mirror begins now. Este blog es un blog de matemáticas. Probablemente aquí puedas encontrar respuesta a tus preguntas sobre matemáticas. Escribiré un tema cuando me sea posible. El viaje a través del espejo empieza ahora.