In this post we’re going to do some examples of exercises with fractions: Example 1 : If we have a cake divided in four parts and one of the parts was eaten we want to know: What fraction of the cake we would eat if we eat the half of one piece? How much of the cake lefts? First we must know how much cake we have: We have 3 pieces of cake left from the entire sweet, that was divided in four pieces. That means ¾ of the cake. Now we take one half of one piece. One piece is ¼ , that is the same that: So there are 2 pieces of cake with a size of 1/8 in one piece of cake ( 1/4 ). The answer to the first question is that we would eat a fraction of a value of 1/8 . Now the second question, how much of the cake lefts? We have eaten 1/8 of a quarter, and we had 3/4 of the cake, so we must differentiate them: To solve this we can use the least common multiple: So the least common multiple is 8. Now we multiply by 2 the nume...
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